Bring investment opportunities to Fantom’s community with FANPAD

3 min readFeb 23, 2022


Dear fellow supporters,

FANPAD is receiving a lot of support from the community regarding the project and its information.

A Launchpad platform’s success is what it can bring to its users and FANPAD is trying everyday to benefit you guys as much as possible.

Therefore, FANPAD wants to bring out an official statement to clarify on the development of FANPAD.

FANPAD is not a Multi-chain platform!

That’s right! FANPAD is not a multi-chain Launchpad.

However, FANPAD does support chains of EVM networks.

So what is an EVM network?

EVM also known as Ethereum Virtual Machine. EVM is a computation machine which works like a decentralized computer. It is a powerful, sandboxed, virtual machine that is embedded within each node. Every full Ethereum node runs on the EVM to maintain consensus across the blockchain.

There are many projects that have launched a fully EVM compatible layer one blockchain which is based on a code fork of Ethereum. One good example is Fantom Opera Chain network. The main difference is that it uses the Proof of Stake consensus mechanism compared to the Proof of Work used in Ethereum.

How can FANPAD support projects from other EVM chains beside Fantom?

FANPAD operates on Fantom Opera Chain which means the fundraising currency will be in USDC, Fantom’s stable-coin.

In order to participate in Token sale of projects, participants need to:

  • Hold FANPAD’s native token FAP.
  • Stake FAP with a lock period to earn xFAP.
  • By accomplishing the first two steps, users will have the chance to invest in projects with USDC as mentioned above.

Therefore, although projects come from Polygon, Binance Smart Chain, Avalanche, they can still approach to Fantom’s capital source. Fantom’s communities get their chance to invest in a variety of projects from different networks beside Fantom.

What does FANPAD expect to achieve from this move?

FANPAD’s goal is to stay connected with crypto communities as much as possible. FANPAD seeks partnerships between Launchpads from other EVM networks to create an alliance where Launchpads will help each other reach out and connect many potential networks.

As a Launchpad’s ultimate goal is to help projects successfully raise funds, initiating this alliance can help Launchpads facilitate their goals and give more investing opportunities to the communities.


FANPAD is a new generation fundraising and funding platform for projects on the Fantom blockchain. Not only supporting projects in financial aspect through token sale programs, FanPad also supports projects in technical, tokenomic, audit, marketing aspects through strategic partners cooperation.

FanPad aims to become a kick-starter platform but better, more perfect with fair mechanism and for potential Fantom projects to reach more dedicated users and contribute value to the Fantom blockchain ecosystem. Stay tuned for more official announcements!




New generation IDO Launchpad - powered by Fantom. For the Community, By the Community.